en-US Олег Михайлович Бояркин: знаменитый учёный, интересные факты, фото, дата рождения 15 апреля (77 лет), кто еще из известных людей родился, умер 15 апреля
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Олег Бояркин
Полное имя: Олег Михайлович Бояркин
Дата рождения: 15 апреля 1947
Полных лет: 77 лет
Род деятельности: УЧЁНЫЙ


Учебники и монографииФизика массивных нейтрино (URSS, Москва) 2006 198 с.;Введение в физику элементарных частиц (URSS, Москва) 2006, 259 с.;Introduction to Physics of Elementary Particles, Nova Science Publishers. New York. 2007;Introduction to Physics of Elementary Particles (Nova Science Publishers, New York) 2007, 345 p.Advanced Particle Physics, Volume I: Particles, Fields, and Quantum Electrodynamics (Taylor and Francis, London - New York) 2011, 639 p.Advanced Particle Physics, Volume II: Standard Model and Beyond (Taylor and Francis, London - New York) 2011, 555 p.О.М.Бояркин, Г.Г.Бояркина, Физика частиц – 2013, Том 1: От электрона до бозона Хиггса. Квантовая теория свободных полей (URSS, Москва) 2013, 294 с.О.М.Бояркин, Г.Г.Бояркина, Физика частиц – 2013, Том 2: Квантовая электродинамика и стандартная модель (URSS, Москва) 2013, 435 с.Статьи в международных журналахО.М.Бояркин, Электродинамика частиц со спином 1, Украинский физический журнал, 1976, Т. – 21, С.- 296-302.О.М.Бояркин, Векторный мезон с аномальным магнитным моментом, Украинский физический журнал, 1976, Т. – 21, С.- 1453-1459.О.М.Бояркин, Электродинамика заряженных векторных мезонов, Известия вузов. Физика, 1978, Т.-21, С.- 632-639.О.М.Бояркин, Тормозное излучение векторного мезона на ядре, ЖЭТФ, 1978, Т.-48, С.- 13-26.О.М.Бояркин, Дуально-инвариантная теория частиц со спином 1, Известия вузов. Физика, 1981, Т.-24, С.-1003-1005.О.М.Бояркин, S матрица в дуально-инвариантной теории, Известия вузов. Физика, 1982, Т.-25, С.- 173-175.O.M.Boyarkin, Renormalizable electrodynamics of charged vector particles, J. Phys. G: Nuclear Physics, 1982. V.- 8.- P.- 161-170.О.М.Бояркин, Дуально-инвариантная теория. Перенормировка. Модели, Известия вузов. Физика, 1983, Т.-26, С. -15-18.О.М.Бояркин, Электрослабые взаимодействия векторных частиц в SO(1,1) инвариантной модели, Известия вузов. Физика, 1989, Т.-32, С.- 828-833.О.М.Бояркин, W-бозон с мультипольными моментами, Известия вузов. Физика, 1990, Т.-33, С.- 769-772.O.M.Boyarkin, Production of gauge bosons in the left-right symmetrical theory, Yader. Fiz., 1991, V.-54. C. 839-846.O.M.Boyarkin, Continuous left-right model of electroweak interactions, Yader. Fiz., 1993, V.-56, P.- 135-145.O.M.Boyarkin, The continuous left-right symmetric and antisymmetric models, Acta Physica Polonica, 1992, V.-B23, P.- 1031-1045.O.M.Boyarkin, Asymmetric left-right model of electroweak interactions, Physical Review D. 1994.-V.50.-P.- 2247-2255.O.M.Boyarkin, Probing Physics beyond the standard model, Acta Physica Polonica B, 1994, V.-25, P. - 287-307.O.M.Boyarkin, D.Rein, Resonant precession of neutrinos endowed with the anapole moment, Zeitschrift fur Physik C, 1995.-V.67.-P.607-611.O.M. Boyarkin, D. Rein, Neutrino masses and oscillation angle phenomena within a symmetric left-right model, Physical Review D, 1996.-V.53, P.- 361-373.O.M. Boyarkin, The solar neutrino problem within the left-right model, Physical Review, 1996, V.-D53, P. 5298-5316.O.M. Boyarkin, Influence of the solar flare on the neutrino oscillations, Russ. Phys. J., 1996, V.-39, P.- 597-600.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, The oscillations of Majorana neutrino within left-right model, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 1996, V.-59, P. - 886-893.O.M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Searches lepton flavor violationon at muon colliders, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 1997, V.-60, P. - 683-694.O.M.Boyarkin, A. N. Senko, The solar neutrinos in the models with the charged Higgs bosons, Russ. Phys. J., 2000, V.-41, P.- 28-32.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina. Higgs bosons in the left-right model, European Physical Journal.C. 2000.- V.13, P. - 99-15.O.M. Boyarkin, T. I. Bakanova, Solar neutrino oscillations in extensions of the standard model, Phys. Rev., 2000, V.- D62, P.- 075008-1-075008-16.O.M. Boyarkin, T. I.Bakanova, Solar neutrinos in the models with the extended Higgs sector, Yader. Fiz., 2001, V.-64, P.- 2056-2072.O.M. Boyarkin, Physics of Higgs bosons and neutrinos in the left-right model, Yader. Fiz., 2001, V.-64, P.- 354-366.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G.Boyarkina, V.V. Mahknach, Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the left-right model, Yader. Fiz., 2003, V.-66, P.- 306-318.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina, Estimations of heavy neutrino masses and mixing in models with an extended Higgs sector, Physical Review D, 2004 –V.70 - P.113010-1 –113010-13.O.M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Effect of the Neutrino Magnetic Moment on the Properties of the Muon, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2009.-V.-72. P.- 607-618.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G.Boyarkina, Indirect method for determining heavy-neutrino masses, Yad. Fiz. 2005, V.-68, P.- 2109-2122.O.M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V.V.Mahknach, Can the Left Right Symmetric Model explain the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2009, V.-12, P.- 275-281.O.M. Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Heavy neutrino phenomenology, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 2012, V.-19, P.- 61-70.О.М.Бояркин, Г.Г.Бояркина, Магнитный момент майорановского нейтрино в лево-право-симметричной модели, Ядерная физика. 2013. Т.76, С. - 542-552.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina, V.V.Makhnatch, Detection of the Neutrino Magnetic Moments, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 2014, V.20, P. - 43-48.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina, V.V.Makhnatch, Detection of the Neutrino Magnetic Moments, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 2014, V.- 20, P.- 43-48.O.M. Boyarkin, G.G. Boyarkina, Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos in left-right model Physical Review D, 2014, V.90, P.- 025001-025011O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina, Detecting the neutrino magnetic moment at Hadron Colliders, Physical Review D, 2014, V.-90, P.- 105021-105029.Статьи в трудах и конференцияхO.M.Boyarkin, The left-right model of the electroweak interactions, in Proc.the XV Int. Warsaw Meet. Elemen. Part. Phys., Kazimierz, Poland, May 25-29,1992, (Ed. Z.Ajduk et al.) World Scientific, 1993, P.274-279.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G.Boyarkina, Lepton number nonconcerving processes at muon collider, in Proc. Conf. "Quantum Systems. New Trends and Methods", (ed. Y.S.Kim et al.) World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, P.281-285.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Perspectives of Muon Colliders for Searching New Physics Signals, in Proc. Eighth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics. Moscow, August, 1997, (ed. A.Studenikin) Iterregional Centre for Advanced Sdudies, Moscow, 1998, P.20-28.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Lepton number nonconcerving processes at muon collider, in Proc. Conf. "Quantum Systems. New Trends and Methods", (ed. Y.S.Kim et al.) World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, P.281-285.O.M.Boyarkin, Solar neutrino oscillations in Extensions of the Standard Model, in Proc. Ninth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, September, 1999 (ed. A.Studenikin) World Scientific, Singapore, 2000, P.28-35.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, V.V.Machnach, Phenomenological consequences of the neutrino anomalous magnetic moment, in Proc. the 13th Annual Seminar NPCS"2006 "Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications", Minsk, May, 2006, (ed. L.F.Babichev, V.I.Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2006, P.159-166.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G.Boyarkina, Neutrino Flux in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave, Actual Problems of Microworld Physics (Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, Belarus, July 23-August 3, 2007, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2008, V.-2 (2008) P.-179-188.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G.Boyarkina, Radiative muon and tau decays, in Proc. the XVIth Annual Seminar NPCS"2009 "Fractals, Chaos, Phase Transition", Minsk, May 19-22, 2009, (ed. L.F.Babichev, V.I.Kuvshinov) Belarus, Minsk, 2009.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G.Boyarkina, Radiative muon decay, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar "New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions", May 3-6, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2009 (ed. V.Skalozub et al), Dnipropetrovsk, 15-21, 2009.O.M.Boyarkin, G. G. Boyarkina, Muon as a Probe of New Physics, in Proc. Inter. School-Seminar "Actual Problems of Microworld Physics", Gomel, Belarus, July 15-26, 2009) (ed. A.Ilychev et al.), Joint Institute for Nuclear Researc h, Dubna, 2009.O.M.Boyarkin, G.G Boyarkina, Neutrino magnetic moment as a signal of New Physics, in New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at External Conditions: Proc. Inter. School-Seminar May 22-24, 2013, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk DNU, 2013. P.49-57.O.M. Boyarkin, G.G. Boyarkina, V.V. Makhnach, Higgs boson production at the electron-positron collider in Proceedings V Congress of Physicists of Belarus, Belarus, Minsk, October 27-30, 2015.

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